7:00 pm 2/22/2012
I started reading Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Eliot a few days ago. A well recommended book, and one that extremely intrigued me. "Learning to bring your love life under Christ's control" the subtitle reads. Although I am not in a relationship at the moment, my love life is still existent. As for now I am learning more about the deepest kind of love, and how to be fully satisfied with it. However I still long for a human relationship: someone to call my own.
And this is something I want to change.
I want to be satisfied with God's love. So much that if I am called my my Father to a life of celibacy I will commit it to His hands. Doing so, confident that His love and presence makes my life so full and joyous that I would want nothing more in the world.
Jim and Elizabeth Eliot are incredible examples of this. The each lived by key verses in their life.

Elizabeth: Isaiah 54:5, "Your husband is your maker, whose name is the Lord of Hosts," and 1 Corinthians 7:34-35, "The unmarried or celibate woman cares for the Lord's business; her aim is to be dedicated to him in body as in spirit; but the married woman cares for worldly things; her aim is to please her husband. In saying this I have no wish to keep you on a tight rein. I am thinking simply of your own good, of what is seemly, and of your freedom to wait upon the Lord without distraction."
I desire to seek after God's own heart, and His plan for my life. I am going to set aside all desires for marriage. If the way of God is to bring a man into my life, I will then know it is in order to do His will. I want to wait patiently on the Lord as He guides me day by day in His path of righteousness. I do not doubt I will have struggles, and will plead with Him constantly as did Jesus as He fulfilled His payment on the cross to "let this cup pass from me".. but I dedicate my life to His works, to bringing His kingdom, to showing His glory and love to others in all that I am, body, mind, heart and soul.
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