Friday, July 29, 2011

IBS-Facing the Crowd

July 27th, 2011

"Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord;"
"With one accord". Usually when I hear this phrase I think of unity, fellowship. I think of happiness: We worship God with "one accord", or, with "like minds". Now in this circumstance the crowd was certainly of like minds. They were all enraged. Stephen had crossed the line, and they wanted no more to hear what he had to say.Their conviction was too strong for them to handle, and every one wanted him done away with completely. Now I can usually take one person being angry at me, but when there's a huge crowd "gnashing their teeth" at my expense, my initial reaction is to backtrack and think about compromise. Do I really want to get on everyone's bad sides? Do I want to single myself out? Make myself despised by all? If I were in Stephen's place would I want everyone in "one accord" hating my guts? Um, no. I don't think so. No thank you. But in order to share God's gospel sometimes one has to put themselves in situations where you're the odd one out. I envy Stephen's courage and faith, and I seek that for myself. To hold your ground in Who you're representing when everyone is against you is a situation I have yet to encounter, but I pray that if that day comes, I will be strong enough to trust God that His will will be done through my life. 

I need to seek strength in God. I want to be able to face trials head on, even when all odds are pointing against me, but I know that is God's will. No fear, no turning back, no matter how many enemies I have "in accordance" against me.


July 26th, 2011

Acts 7:56

"and said 'Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!'"

Stephen shared his excitement, without hesitation, the wonders he saw. Although he was persecuted, and those who were persecuting him were his audience, he still exclaimed the beauty God was revealing to Him. Among one's fellow believers we might be quick to shout with excitement when God reveals something to us, but to strangers, or enemies would we so willingly boast our Lord's marvels? We might be conceived as proud, or haughty if we let these feelings fly in such an unwelcome environment. So with this fear we might hold back, and just smile to ourselves instead. Stephen wouldn't accept that. He wanted God's power to be known. He knew that God's wonders were meant to be spread and not even his circumstances withheld him from letting that happen. He marveled at what he saw, and shared it, not even worrying about offending his accusers. Many a time if I have been with non-believers, I will be hesitant to share what God is sharing with me or doing in my life. I will be afraid of the scoffing remarks, or scrutinizing glances of those who don't believe. Stephens bold and brave example puts me to shame. Why is this? Because it's not about me, and what people think of me. It's all about the Father, and Stephen knew that.

I need to put myself aside. I need to follow what He calls me to do, and not be afraid of my own self being judged, or "worse" yet, being rejected. It's all about the love of God being spread and for it to radiate in and through me "'til the whole world hears."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

IBS-Lesson Learned?

July 25th 2011

Acts 7:55

"But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,"
Yes, Inductive Bible Study. My favorite class of the day. Excitedly I sat down to write my thoughts on this new verse. I glanced at the words before me, and began typing. I paused. The words I had written were not what my thoughts were. I back-spaced until the only thing left was a blinking cursor. This was repeated multiple times as my frustration grew. I knew what I wanted to write but I couldn't form the right words. With a sigh I tried again, but to no avail, all that remained: a blinking cursor. It seemed to be taunting me. 

"Minutes!" called Pastor G, announcing we should be done with our interpretations of the verse and starting on the application. Still I had absolutely nothing. Thoughts onto paper had always been a breeze for me, and all of the sudden this simple verse was leaving me blank? I didn't get it. God, why can't I think of something? Why can't I get my thoughts into words? Give me something to work with, I demanded.

"Okay, gather around," Pastor G again. Crud. still nothing. I couldn't sit in the circle without anything to share.. I hurriedly typed: "Looking to God in times of trial, and actually seeking His face is probably not the initial reaction that we undergo as humans. Stephen's faith was strong. He wanted to glorify God in all that he was, and when he was faced with a "courtroom" filled with a livid council, who all despised his words, he immediately looked to God. And he saw His face-" I glanced up: everyone else was already seated in the circle. I walked over to sit among my peers, fighting back the shame I knew would burn my cheeks when I explained to them I had nothing to share.

Tanner shared first. Simple but good. The Holy Spirit was truly revealed through his writing. When he was done, he humbly stated, "I actually prayed before this one. I decided, that instead of making myself sound good, I just wanted to let the Holy Spirit speak through me." 

Ooh.. Ouch, Shaylene. Slap in the face. That was it. I hadn't prayed before I began. I had been so caught up in writing so Shaylene got the glory for her brilliant ideas that I hadn't even asked the Holy Spirit for discernment and guidance. Instead I had demanded that God give me the words I sought. Ironic situation this one was. I wanted to write about how Stephen looked to God for guidance in his trial, which doesn't seem to be a normal reaction for people today. And there I was: proving that hypothesis to be true. 

Needless to say, my application is to seek the Holy Spirit to guide me when I am trying to interpret God's word. I need to practice what I preach, so I don't have to turn the other cheek to await another "hand to face" connection. A very valuable lesson from the Holy Spirit himself.

Monday, July 25, 2011

IBS-Christ Conquers Conviction

July 24th 2011

Acts 7:54

"When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth."
These men judging Stephen were convicted of the things he had called them out on: not keeping the law, betraying and murdering Jesus, and following in their father's footsteps as they resisted the Holy Spirit. Their response to these convictions represent the hatred the men had toward the truth when it contradicted the way they were living. The men knew what Stephen had said was correct, and they became angry that he made them look foolish. Stephen said what he did, full of the Holy Spirit, and not afraid of what their response would be to his accusations. He knew the truth had to be spoken and didn't care that his punishment could be death. His determination to preach the gospel didn't falter with fear of rejection and hatred for he knew where his strength and power lay. When I reflect on this reaction of the council I can connect it to my own life. I, too, have been rejected and despised because I fought to share Christ with those who refused to be changed. Some of my, now I can confidently say, dear friends, at first, rejected my sincerity of sharing the gospel with them because with what I shared they felt convicted. I was cursed at, rejected and disowned. I can honestly say that during those times I wasn't intending to offend anyone with what I said, or that I wished to be treated the way I was. In fact when that happened I was discouraged from sharing, or opening up the truth Christ was revealing to me because I was afraid I would be hated again. I didn't have the courage Stephen had: fully knowing his demise as he opened his mouth and preached the truth, and I certainly wasn't willing to lay down my own pride (or lay down my life as Stephen did) for Christ's sake because of the hurt I had experienced from those instances. Thankfully God taught me that his words, when shared with sincerity and love, will not go unheard, as those friends reconciled with me some time later.

I want to be able share God's word freely in my life, without the fear of rejection. I should be understanding of people's situations as to not hinder them from wanting to learn about Christ, but to lift them up, and encourage their relationship with Him. I need to be sensitive of what they are being convicted of so as not to take it personally if they get offended. I need to realize that if I have shared with the right intent, and with the love of Christ the gospel of God that His work will be done in their life, and my pride shouldn't get in the way of that seed of faith being planted.

Proverbs 16:2 "All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the spirits." 

Friday, July 22, 2011


July 21st 2011

Acts 2:46

"So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart."
Mm, foooood. I have to admit, right off the bat, that's what this verse makes me think of. Dining with good company, enjoying a delectable meal. One of the aspects that make up the goodness of life. With that positive note, the "gladness and simplicity of heart" portion causes me to reflect on why I've been so blessed with a good meal every day of my life. I've never had to go without. Sometimes I ask myself, what makes me so spoiled? How did I become so lucky as to have all that I do? Do I reflect daily on these things as these men did. Every time I sit down to a well balanced meal do I thank my Lord for all of my met needs? I know that I don't. When I say grace, I usually just hit home, real "smooth-like" and spit out the whole, "rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub," followed by a grumbling of accordance from my stomach. Just kidding of course, but in all reality, I don't take enough time to sincerely thank of God for all He's given me. I wish I could say that, like these men, I too eat my food with a "gladness and simplicity of heart", instead of shoveling it down merely to satisfy my body's cravings. 

I need to reflect on where each blessing I have comes from. Each item of food, each aspect of my sweet life, was given to me by a wonderful God who loves me so much that He has spoiled me in abundance. I need to truly take the time to thank Him, from the depths of my heart for the blessings, and keep Him first in my mind, so the thoughts of Him overtake the loud growling of hunger.


July 20th 2011

Acts 2:45

"and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need." 

Selflessness. This is what I read. As the apostles and new Christians solve their things, dividing them up, and giving them to anyone who was in need I see a great example of this. They knew what was important. They had dedicated their lives to to Christ, and he was their everything. Their material possessions meant nothing to them, when before that was a part of who they were. By their goods and riches they were defined. Isn't that how the world is today? If we have a nice car, an expensive wardrobe, a beautifully furnished house, then to those around us we really seem to be something. These men knew that that wasn't the case. Their things were now no part of who they were, and they gladly gave to their brothers in need. Their selflessness, knowing they didn't want to be known individually for the things of this world, but rather to be for who they were in Christ is admirable. It's a trait I want to have. I have an aunt who reflects this trait. She'll have on an elegant bracelet or scarf, and someone might compliment her on it. To this she'll often reply, without hesitation, "Thank you! Do you want it?"

How can she be so giving and selfless with that of which she owns. Because she knows those possessions don't make up who she is. Because who she is is a daughter of Christ. Not of the things which adorn her body, or household, but a child of the living King in whom she finds her worth. I want to be like her in that way. I want to be selfless. I want to find my worth in the one who created me. I don't want to cling to the things of this world, and be defined by my possessions, but rather give freely as I know I deserve nothing  I have.

I need to make steps to give freely to others, putting their needs above my desires so I can find my worth ultimately in Jesus Christ, and not of the things of this world. 

"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ." Philippians 3:8

IBS-Not Alone

July 20th 2011

Acts 2:44  "Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,"

Everyone in that room. the apostles and believers were at once, united in Christ Jesus. I see the parallel with the group to me and my my fellow christians in my life. We're all together, and because we believe we have all things in common. We're all sinners in need of God's grace. Sometimes I feel the snares of the devil clawing at my ankles, telling me I'm all alone. No one can relate to me. No one really cares. Even when I'm in a room filled with cheerful, smiling, people Satan tugs at my heart. "You see those smiles," he whispers into my ear, "They're there because no one cares. No one cares how you feel or that you're down." With pictures like these in the Bible of those who loved God all gathered together, enjoying each other's presence I am revealed the truth of my fellowship with my brothers and sisters. We have all things in common. We all love our Creator, Father, Redeemer and love each other because He first loved us. Satan cannot hold his grips on me when I cling to Christ whose grace spreads like wildfire in the hearts of those who seek Him. Paul reminds me in His letters that I am not the only one who has struggled with Satan's lies. Satan cannot single me out from those whom Christ has blessed me with. 

With this truth revealed to me, I know I need to seek a listening ear, when I am feeling distraught. I need someone to hold me accountable to not let Satan's taunting drag me down. To lead me back to the book where God's love is revealed, and the fellowship of His believers is ensured. Where truth eliminates the lies Satan plants and makes way for the gospel of love, of life.

IBS-Moving Mountains

July 19th 2011

Acts 2:43

"Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles."

I see in this verse the new believers enveloped in the Holy Spirit through prayer and fellowship. Because of this their "fear" was more of a wonder of what was revealed to them through Christ Jesus. They were probably in complete awe of what had been done through Him. I think they could see through His story the power and magnificence of God: His glory and majesty. All of this was so new to them that they were blown away when the apostle's performed signs and wonders in Jesus' name. These, more-so miracles, were revealed to the new, passionate believers, and to me, seemed to have opened a new element of faith to them that wasn't known before. The element that God can do ALL things, even the deemed impossible.

With this great trust the Jewish men had for Jesus, and the faith in God that He can do all things through those whom he strengthens (as reads Philippians 4:13), I am encouraged to step out of my comfort zone to believe God can do anything through the Holy Spirit. I personally, need to step out in my little box of what I believe God can do, and enter the realm of learning of all He has done and expand my trust in His wonders. With this stretching of faith I aim to be a tool of testimony that God can use as He pleases, surrendering my doubts in His works and fully trusting in His almighty hand. Because I want to fully believe with utmost sincerity that my God can move mountains.


July 18th 2011

Acts 2:42 

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."

Through this verse God reveals to me the fellowship of the new believers,the community they have, now freshly saved, their passion to learn about God's word, the apostle's teaching, and their adamant attitude about studying it and finding out all they could regarding their savior. This intimacy they immediately acquired once saved makes me think about the people here at Potter's Field Ranch. When I came there was an intimate welcome from each member because everyone had the same heart which was a desire for the Lord. I reflect talking with some of the girls in the dorm the other night, mentioning how I loved how everyone was so quickly included and became part of the family. My roommate Jenny stated matter-of-factly that was because we all have our hearts set on missions. We all want to teach the grace and mercy of our Lord to all the nations. We want to bless others as we have been blessed. The fast connection of those newly baptized is similar to the Ranch family in that way. The Jewish men were all excited to learn all they could about the One who holds the world and to spend time with each other, in the presence of the Holy Spirit. With their desire to learn more about Christ I have a similar yearning to grab every opportunity of fellowship and the unity involved when Christians gather, to be able to learn more than my own eyes can see, from others, and vice versa.

I want to be able to seek, and share God in my relationships so that with those who I am closest to I can glorify my Father. In this way too, I hope to aim to praise Him for what He has done, just as those in the first church were persistent in doing. I desire, as I serve and seek God, that I may be a witness every day, so like this verse, more can be added to the breaking of bread with the Father. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

New Life

Starting a new chapter in life. Fully dedicating my time, energy and soul to Christ, for the year, and all eternity. Starting here at Potter's Field Ranch, Montana.