July 26th, 2011
Acts 7:56
"and said 'Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!'"
Stephen shared his excitement, without hesitation, the wonders he saw. Although he was persecuted, and those who were persecuting him were his audience, he still exclaimed the beauty God was revealing to Him. Among one's fellow believers we might be quick to shout with excitement when God reveals something to us, but to strangers, or enemies would we so willingly boast our Lord's marvels? We might be conceived as proud, or haughty if we let these feelings fly in such an unwelcome environment. So with this fear we might hold back, and just smile to ourselves instead. Stephen wouldn't accept that. He wanted God's power to be known. He knew that God's wonders were meant to be spread and not even his circumstances withheld him from letting that happen. He marveled at what he saw, and shared it, not even worrying about offending his accusers. Many a time if I have been with non-believers, I will be hesitant to share what God is sharing with me or doing in my life. I will be afraid of the scoffing remarks, or scrutinizing glances of those who don't believe. Stephens bold and brave example puts me to shame. Why is this? Because it's not about me, and what people think of me. It's all about the Father, and Stephen knew that.
I need to put myself aside. I need to follow what He calls me to do, and not be afraid of my own self being judged, or "worse" yet, being rejected. It's all about the love of God being spread and for it to radiate in and through me "'til the whole world hears."
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