Friday, July 22, 2011

IBS-Not Alone

July 20th 2011

Acts 2:44  "Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,"

Everyone in that room. the apostles and believers were at once, united in Christ Jesus. I see the parallel with the group to me and my my fellow christians in my life. We're all together, and because we believe we have all things in common. We're all sinners in need of God's grace. Sometimes I feel the snares of the devil clawing at my ankles, telling me I'm all alone. No one can relate to me. No one really cares. Even when I'm in a room filled with cheerful, smiling, people Satan tugs at my heart. "You see those smiles," he whispers into my ear, "They're there because no one cares. No one cares how you feel or that you're down." With pictures like these in the Bible of those who loved God all gathered together, enjoying each other's presence I am revealed the truth of my fellowship with my brothers and sisters. We have all things in common. We all love our Creator, Father, Redeemer and love each other because He first loved us. Satan cannot hold his grips on me when I cling to Christ whose grace spreads like wildfire in the hearts of those who seek Him. Paul reminds me in His letters that I am not the only one who has struggled with Satan's lies. Satan cannot single me out from those whom Christ has blessed me with. 

With this truth revealed to me, I know I need to seek a listening ear, when I am feeling distraught. I need someone to hold me accountable to not let Satan's taunting drag me down. To lead me back to the book where God's love is revealed, and the fellowship of His believers is ensured. Where truth eliminates the lies Satan plants and makes way for the gospel of love, of life.

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