Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day of Love

Valentine's Day.

The day of love. Or depression.. depending on your relationship status..

Or not.

I was quite surprised today to open my Bible according to my daily reading plan and turn to Genesis 30. Quite ironically this chapter recalls the tangled love story of two sisters pining for the same man and, in this case as he happened to be, both of their's husband. Rachel vs. Leah for Jacob. I won't go into the hairy details, but the beginning of this love triangle was already dreadful... Jacob working 7 years for a man to earn the love of his life (Rachel) only to be deceived and receive the elder daughter, Leah. For this he worked another 7 years for Rachel, and when he had her, loved her more. Rachel was barren and because the Lord saw Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah He heard her prayers and blessed her with four sons. For this which she had given Jacob, Leah was sure Jacob would love her.. The story goes on, with maids added to the mix, giving sons, and Rachel eventually having children of her own too. What a painful web to be tangled in, in my opinion.

These women both sought affection from the same man. They sought love. They thought the one who gave him more sons would receive that love.. Although they might have gotten more attention from Jacob for bearing more children, it seems these ladies missed the mark.

As do most people today.

Love and affection isn't something to be gained through roses and a card, through chocolates and a nice night out. It's not something that can be gained by giving your husband more children.. (Sorry Rachel and Leah)

Love is what we've already been given. It's the grace that dwells in nail-scarred hands and side. It's what was poured out on the cross for us, to be able to fully see and dwell in the love of our Father in Heaven. It's not something that can be earned, not something that can be sought. It's something that is accepted. Something that is already offered freely, and completely undeserved.

Today I embrace the love my Savior has given to me. The freedom to laugh and dance and sing with ones whom I deeply treasure. I desire to do something for my God tomorrow, not because I want to earn His love, but because I want to show to the world how beautiful His agape love is for me.

1 comment:

  1. "the freedom to laugh and dance and sing with ones whom I deeply treasure..." such a perfect statement...what a great night last night. thanks for being part of it! <3
