Monday, February 20, 2012

It was all God!

Reading Genesis lately, I'm recapturing the love for an incredible story of another one of those men who trusted in God's plan for his life: Joseph. I follow his life story, from being sold by his brothers, thrown in jail, until finally, by the hand of God, becoming highest in power of all of Egypt next to Pharaoh. A small snippet that stands out to me is that Joseph always accredited the rightful praise to God, recognizing it was God's faithfulness and will in his life that made it the way it was.

When he was first sold into slavery, "The Lord was with Joseph,"(39:2) and as he worked for his Egyptian master, "The Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake" (39:5). Even when Joseph was appraised for being able to interpret dreams when he was in the jail, he said, "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (40:8)

This was a man who loved God with all of his heart. Torn away from his family, God still blessed him in all that he did, and he stayed faithful to Him who is Faithfulness. Joseph was confident that whatever happened, it was God's will. He told his brothers when all was revealed to them that he was still alive and had been living in Egypt all the years after they had forsaken him, "do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life" (45:5).

What faith! To love trust in God even throughout times of desertion and solitude! Joseph gave credit to the one who gave Him every opportunity, every blessing, who was with him in every battle of his life. He praised God by giving Him the glory, because he knew that was truly where his help came from.

I long to praise my Jesus simply for being with me. Thank you Lord for granting me a beautiful, and busy day! To be able to once again work with the kids at Las Manos del Alfarero (Potter's Field Kids), and be able to know that I am exactly where you want me to be. Please grant me the peace and understanding to know as Joseph did that everything that happens is in your hands. That wherever you lead me, whatever the circumstance, no matter who is with me, all is in your control. I thank you for forgiving my iniquities, my failures that cause me to act selfishly and long for things I presume would be "better". Allow me to see the blessings that are continually in front of me, and for me to be able to shout your praises for all the world to see how wonderful, how faithful, how merciful, how powerful, and how GREAT you are!!!

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