Tonight I was talking to my mom via Skype.. She mentioned my brother's graduation from the Air Force Basic Training in the second to last weekend of April. And asked if I would be willing to go. And I have to admit my immediate thought was-no. If I were to drive down with the parents to my brother's academy in Texas I would have to leave Potter's Field Ranch two weeks earlier than planned. I would only have two weeks with my fellow IGNITE members before heading off into another chapter of my life. Selfishness to spend more time with them, finish up the time at the Ranch, and enjoy that full last month with amazing siblings in Christ hearing about and learning from their experiences in the field. Selfish selfish selfish.
But what about my blood brother?
Something inside me tugged at my heart..
Something called the Holy Spirit.
He told me my brother needed my support.
And I told my mom I would pray about it, before the internet connection cut out.
Immediately, I took my torn desires and thoughts to the Lord, and pulled out my Bible.
My thoughts flowed with the verses I read.....
"he..sought the Lord with all his heart." 2 Chronicles 22:9
"Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within
Hope in God, for I shall yet praise
For the help of His countenance." Psalm 42:5
"Deep calls unto deep at the noise of
Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone
over me." Psalm 42:7
"My beloved spoke, and said to me:
"Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away." Song of Solomon 2:10
"Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my
tongue was glad;
Moreover my flesh will also rest in hope.
For you will not leave my soul in
Nor will You allow Your Holy One to
see corruption.
You have made known to me the ways
of life;
You will make me full of joy in Your
presence." Acts 2:26-28
Lord, lead me where you need to use me. Allow me to be a vessel for your works, in whatever lives you need me to be in. Bring me where you need to go, for I know you are faithful, and with you there is only peace, and joy with the Holy Spirit through the gift of your Son on the cross, allowing me to draw near to you in times of need. And I know you will reveal to me the steps to take as I walk through this crazy world, so Lord, lead me, and I will follow, praising your name.
A peek into the mind of a young girl, seeking the will of God in her life. Her morning Inductive Study Devotionals on various passages of Scripture, as well as updates of how God is constantly working in her heart.. From Washington, to Montana, to Costa Rica, to New Hampshire, all over the globe, spreading the good news of the grace of God through His son Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Recently I have been fighting feelings of insignificance in the work I've been doing while I've been involved here in the PFK program at Capilla de Calvario, Villarreal. Someone mentioned to us girls one day when we asked them if they would miss us when we left, "Eh, not to make it personal, but probably not. I mean, there's going to be new interns who come in afterward, and when you all came it was just like another routine thing. People are always coming and going. It's just the program."
Little to say, I did take it personal.
It's not like the one person made me think that everyone thought the same as them, but it did add to the thoughts of the fact that soon after we leave some others will be replacing us. What we are doing here is what they will continue to do after we leave, and our personalities, our specific qualities will soon be replaced by theirs. It's a degrading thought to just be one on the employment line. Just another set of hands to get the job done.
Then today God sent His reasurrance to me through Don Victor when he shared from Nehemiah.
"I pray, O Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments..."(v. 5)
At the meeting before PFK starts on Monday afternoons Don Victor shares a mini message, and we pray for specific things in the Club- the kids, the program, the parents, the funds, the patience, the wisdom to teach and lead these children, etc. As Don Victor shared about Nehemiah, he hit the point that it doesn't matter what others outside of the work say against what we're doing-that what we're doing in these kid's lives is insignificant, or not worthwhile, but that if we're doing it all to the glory of God, we can be confident that he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (from Philippians 1:6). This brought to my attention that what the person had said to me that had deterred me so was what the devil used to enrapture my feelings of inadequacy to try and tear me down so I didn't feel the need to continue helping in this program, and fighting the fight of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
Little to say, I did take it personal.
It's not like the one person made me think that everyone thought the same as them, but it did add to the thoughts of the fact that soon after we leave some others will be replacing us. What we are doing here is what they will continue to do after we leave, and our personalities, our specific qualities will soon be replaced by theirs. It's a degrading thought to just be one on the employment line. Just another set of hands to get the job done.
Then today God sent His reasurrance to me through Don Victor when he shared from Nehemiah.
"I pray, O Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments..."(v. 5)
At the meeting before PFK starts on Monday afternoons Don Victor shares a mini message, and we pray for specific things in the Club- the kids, the program, the parents, the funds, the patience, the wisdom to teach and lead these children, etc. As Don Victor shared about Nehemiah, he hit the point that it doesn't matter what others outside of the work say against what we're doing-that what we're doing in these kid's lives is insignificant, or not worthwhile, but that if we're doing it all to the glory of God, we can be confident that he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (from Philippians 1:6). This brought to my attention that what the person had said to me that had deterred me so was what the devil used to enrapture my feelings of inadequacy to try and tear me down so I didn't feel the need to continue helping in this program, and fighting the fight of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.
Gabriel |
Some of the smiling faces that help me to remember the work I do for the Lord is not done in vain....
Sofia, Audrey, Isabelle |
Playing flag football (Brandon smiling in the corner) |
Dayana, Cindy, Hector |
Friday, March 2, 2012
2 Chronicles For the Win
Written March 1, 2012
Tonight I was at worship practice at Capilla del Calvario- not actually practicing, but waiting for Karlee and Janessa while they learned the songs for the Sunday service. I had time during this to sit back and reminisce on my day and also crank out some 2 Chronicles. As I read there were two specific verses that tugged at my heart...
1. "Then they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul;" (15:12)
The other night at the group Christian Surfers, or Pura Vida Church Tamarindo, the speaker Pano shared about having a passion for Jesus. He shared about having such a love for Him and His Word that you would seek Him fervently. This verse put me in awe, for when I read it I thought of how Pano's message hit me in the same way.. It kindled the burning coals in my heart which were my passion for Him in every way of my life to ignite a flame, which I desire to stoke in an ardent seeking of Christ.
At Bible Club tonight, I sought God as to how I could show the children of Villarreal Christ's love in each moment. In my group of 5-7-year-olds, (Las Ovejitas) there were 9 beautiful children.. I was a little unsure as to how the time would go, as the kids were everywhere with their attention spans measuring a little under 5 minutes per interval. As I guided these children from activity to activity, God just told me to love them. I found myself yearning for hugs from them. I yearned to encourage with a smile, a high-five, a pat on the back a "Bien hecho!" I longed to share with them the love my Christ has for me: what caused Him to go to Calvary for my sake, and theirs too. I longed to see their usually solemn faces lit up with joy because they were being touched by the love of a faithful Father. By the time it came to leave, they were all throwing a ball around, jumping and yelling, "A mi! A mi!!". A capacious change from their apathetic responses to learning the new songs from the beginning.
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of [those] whose heart [is] loyal to Him." (16:9)
This verse excited me. I can just picture the Lord scanning over the world with His all-seeing "eyes" to rest upon with gladness the heart bent in prayer and for Him to listen to the petitions of those calling out to Him for help. It reminds me that the Lord is always faithful-to those who are faithful. His love is in no way conditional, but His ways are just. When we trust in Him and look to Him in times of need, He is always there and answers our cries for assistance. WHAT a blessing! So undeserved, and yet freely given! Hallelujah to the Maker of the stars! Who was and is and is yet to come! With this verse I was given a peace to know the He has a perfect plan for me, and I can rest in that plan. I can rest knowing that He will be there when I cry out from confusion because I want to know every detail here and now. Even when I am upset, because I call on His name, He will answer me.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Love Like a Silhouette
Written.. February 26, 2012
Last night Janessa, Karlee and I were invited to a get-together/worship night with some friends from a group we have attended called Christian Surfers. The night was incredible, the worship powerful, and the fellowship, light and blessed. I was overtaken by the fullness of my Savior's love for me.. and was reminded of this when I looked through the tinted window on the way home to glimpse the looming figure of a mountain in the distance, a stunning contrast against the obscure blue night sky. This picture brought me to reflect on 1 Corinthians 13:12, describing God's love. "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then, face to face," the verse says. Oh how beautiful.. If I can gaze upon the wonder of the night and fall in love with Christ simply because of the hidden wonders of the night, I can only imagine in the day how brilliant that love will be when the noonday sun illuminates it completely.
I thank the Lord for reminders of His glorious love for me through reading His word, and relating it to His creation. I thank Him today for nights of worship, shouting praise to Him with all my soul. I thank Him for nights of rest, and mornings where I wake up still singing of my love for Him. ("My voice shall you hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up." Psalm 5:3) My praise is merely a muddy reflection of His brilliant love for me, but yet He gives me leave me to do so. I thank Him for open arms, and the sacrifice of His son that lets me come to Him and receive His gift without hesitation for recompense for how undeserving I truly am. He is merciful, and beauty. He is passionate, and power. He is all-knowing, and still, He is love.
"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
Friday, February 24, 2012
I Have This Incredible Story
"I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:1-2
Walking up to Capilla del Calvario with Janessa for youth group this evening I was surprised to see the entryway filled with new faces.. Familiar to me, yes, but to the scene of the youth group they were new. I said "hi" to the kids, giving them high-fives and hugs, when I passed by a young boy whom I knew I had seen before. I couldn't remember his name for the life of me.. I passed it off, thinking he must have been a kid from Bible Club that had blended into the sea of faces, after all there were around 60 kids that attended.
I sat down on the couch, still talking to others, when I overheard someone say "Paul"..
I knew I had heard that name from before............
About a month ago, Janessa, Karlee and I sat in the plaza in Villarreal. We were there to witness.. but to whom, we had no idea. We decided to use the time to pray, and focus on God to put whoever needed to be reached that day into our midst.
Not much happened. We passed out a few of the church tracks, reading, "Do you know Christ?" with little gospel comics and such. We said "Hi" to familiar faces, and read Psalms 41 aloud in Spanish and English.
A couple of young boys passed by, looking about 8-9 years of age, and something within me was compelled to ask them, "Do you like to read"? They nodded yes, so we gave them a couple of the comics, and Karlee offered them gum. We watched the younger of the two as they walked into the distance, still reading the comic, until they disappeared around a corner.
They stayed in my mind the rest of the day, so I offered them up to the Lord in prayer.
A couple weeks later, us girls planned a day to play soccer with some of the kids from PFK in the plaza. Yoel, a joyful-spirited boy of 12 years, was one of the first ones to arrive. (You can read a bit about Yoel in the PFR newsletter) As we waited for others I saw a couple young boys walking through the field.. I asked Yoel if they were some from PFK or Bible Club, and he didn't know, so he went to find out. He came back with the two boys, neither attended Capilla del Calvario, but they were up for playing some soccer-their favorite sport. I recognized them as the same boys that we had handed tracks to. Incredible! A split second of sharing Christ with these boys, and God brought them back into our lives for more! I was ready to pour it out!
Sweaty and exhausted, a couple of hours later, we all sat in the shade for water and cookies. I asked the boys their names, and ages. The older-Paul age 13, the younger-Alberto age 11. I was excited.. I told Paul about the youth group La Roca, telling him to come if he wanted to meet more kids and learn about Christ. The younger I told about Bible Club, and unfortunately had no way to give him more information about it, but told him if he saw me on the street to holler :)
So, once again, Christ brought these boys into my life. I was exhilarated. How good our God is! They both came to youth group tonight.. But Alberto left after not too long, I'm sure, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the older kids. Paulwas in my group for the activity we did-a photo scavenger hunt. Together we completed all of the silly various tasks such as painting the nails of a chicken, all getting into a shower with sunglasses on, and eating a whole clove of garlic.
I learned tonight of angels that God puts in each of our lives. Paul is one of those angels. He is a blessing straight fromabove, that was put into my life on such rare occasions that only God could have managed. He is a reserved, but sweet boy. Caring, and passionate. I pray tonight that God will reach his heart as Christ has reached mine through him. I pray that God will bring Alberto into the setting as Paul has found and the two boys will be touched by the love ofChrist and the incredible wonders of God. I pray the two will learn of the love of our Father, seek the redemption of a Savior, and find the truth He has given through His word. I also pray that God will continue to use me in His wondrous manners that send me into joyous song, and fills my soul the way only He can do.
"May He grant you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose. We will rejoice in your salvation, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions." Psalm 20: 4-5
"Take a photo of the whole team in a shower with sunglasses" Obviously we didn't have the sunglasses (L to R, back: Riguell, JeanK, Jan Carlos front: Me, Tito/Ethan, Paul, Andres) |
I sat down on the couch, still talking to others, when I overheard someone say "Paul"..
I knew I had heard that name from before............
About a month ago, Janessa, Karlee and I sat in the plaza in Villarreal. We were there to witness.. but to whom, we had no idea. We decided to use the time to pray, and focus on God to put whoever needed to be reached that day into our midst.
Not much happened. We passed out a few of the church tracks, reading, "Do you know Christ?" with little gospel comics and such. We said "Hi" to familiar faces, and read Psalms 41 aloud in Spanish and English.
A couple of young boys passed by, looking about 8-9 years of age, and something within me was compelled to ask them, "Do you like to read"? They nodded yes, so we gave them a couple of the comics, and Karlee offered them gum. We watched the younger of the two as they walked into the distance, still reading the comic, until they disappeared around a corner.
They stayed in my mind the rest of the day, so I offered them up to the Lord in prayer.
A couple weeks later, us girls planned a day to play soccer with some of the kids from PFK in the plaza. Yoel, a joyful-spirited boy of 12 years, was one of the first ones to arrive. (You can read a bit about Yoel in the PFR newsletter) As we waited for others I saw a couple young boys walking through the field.. I asked Yoel if they were some from PFK or Bible Club, and he didn't know, so he went to find out. He came back with the two boys, neither attended Capilla del Calvario, but they were up for playing some soccer-their favorite sport. I recognized them as the same boys that we had handed tracks to. Incredible! A split second of sharing Christ with these boys, and God brought them back into our lives for more! I was ready to pour it out!
Sweaty and exhausted, a couple of hours later, we all sat in the shade for water and cookies. I asked the boys their names, and ages. The older-Paul age 13, the younger-Alberto age 11. I was excited.. I told Paul about the youth group La Roca, telling him to come if he wanted to meet more kids and learn about Christ. The younger I told about Bible Club, and unfortunately had no way to give him more information about it, but told him if he saw me on the street to holler :)
Vanessa and Riguell paint a chicken's nail |
Paul handing out tracks - just the way I met him to begin with, handing him a track! |
I learned tonight of angels that God puts in each of our lives. Paul is one of those angels. He is a blessing straight fromabove, that was put into my life on such rare occasions that only God could have managed. He is a reserved, but sweet boy. Caring, and passionate. I pray tonight that God will reach his heart as Christ has reached mine through him. I pray that God will bring Alberto into the setting as Paul has found and the two boys will be touched by the love ofChrist and the incredible wonders of God. I pray the two will learn of the love of our Father, seek the redemption of a Savior, and find the truth He has given through His word. I also pray that God will continue to use me in His wondrous manners that send me into joyous song, and fills my soul the way only He can do.
"May He grant you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose. We will rejoice in your salvation, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions." Psalm 20: 4-5
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Not too Exhausted to Exalt
Today was FULL.
The first day of Kid's Club was at 4:00 today. I am the leader of the group of kids aged 5-6 with Janessa called the Ovejitas [little lambs]! It was definitely a blessed time with skits, puppets, learning San Lucas 19:38 through song, rhyme and coloring, and just spending time with the kids. This year is getting started with a *bang* let's just say!
After that I stayed at Pastor Phil and Rebecca's to "watch" their kids, which consisted of getting all of my work done for Bible Club. Also was able to sneak in some more reading, because their children were all sound asleep. Hallelujah!
My morning schedule was reserved for studying - so I did just that.
I started with the daily reading, soaking up bits from various books of the Bible. Genesis, 2 Chronicles, Psalms, Luke, Romans, and 2 Thessalonians. Solid rounded reading - these from what I obtained my lesson for the day: to care for, exalt and build up others in the Lord, as God continually reveals His mercies in my life.
Genesis chapter 50: "Joseph said to them, [his brothers who had betrayed him many years before by selling him into slavery] 'Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good '" (v 19-20)
Joseph knew God's will was done in his life trusting that all that had happened was by God's almighty sovereignty and plan. And God was faithful in taking care of him, and using him to do His work, and save many people.
2 Chronicles chapter 7: "When I [God] shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (v 13-14)
Even though He is just, and full of wrathf, God will show forgiveness and mercy upon those who are lost, and will care for them amidst their trial if they turn to Him.
Along with this, follows Psalms 34: "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit...The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned." (v 17-18, 22)
Another promise of God's mercy and grace, pouring out on those who love and dedicate their lives to serving Him.
Luke 15 contains the story of the prodigal's son: the story of a son who squanders his father's money and runs back to him, "tail between his legs", only to be welcomed with feasting and the best of His father's things once again offered to him. The other son who was always with the father seems jealous of his father doting on his rebellious brother when the father reminds him that, "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours." (v 31)
I am shown in this verse how the God of the universe rejoices with each of His children that are returned once again to His arms, and the ones that remain faithful are always welcome to all that He has to offer.
Romans 15: "Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God." (v 7) This is a reminder from Paul to fellow brothers to always have open hearts to one another as Christ has shown us the example.
2 Thessalonians 3: "But as for you brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother." (v 13-15)
We should recognize when one is not walking in the way as we have been taught by Christ, and should not do as they do, but admonish them, lifting them up in the faith so they can see the ways in which they are acting.
All of these sections are parts of what combined made my daily reading (along with a few chapters of Passion and Purity of course). I was fully reaffirmed of the mercies and grace my Father has shown for those who followed His will, as well as today in my life. I was encouraged to go "out of my way" per-say to encourage my brothers and sisters in the faith. I aim to encourage at least three people each day, whether by word, deed or note. I want others to be as encouraged I am as I read the stories my Father has given for me to read, and if that takes me reaching the love my Father has bestowed upon me for them to find out about the gospel, glory to God! Another child to enter through the pearly gates!
I'm exhausted from my long day, but definitely not too tired to sit down and share with all of you the beauty of a Father who deeply cares for His children, enough to lay down His life, and then allow it to be written down for her to reflect upon this act of grace, over and over.
At midnight I am to hit the hay, with a peace of mind, and heavy eyes needing much rest.
Buenas noches a todos!
The first day of Kid's Club was at 4:00 today. I am the leader of the group of kids aged 5-6 with Janessa called the Ovejitas [little lambs]! It was definitely a blessed time with skits, puppets, learning San Lucas 19:38 through song, rhyme and coloring, and just spending time with the kids. This year is getting started with a *bang* let's just say!
After that I stayed at Pastor Phil and Rebecca's to "watch" their kids, which consisted of getting all of my work done for Bible Club. Also was able to sneak in some more reading, because their children were all sound asleep. Hallelujah!
My morning schedule was reserved for studying - so I did just that.
I started with the daily reading, soaking up bits from various books of the Bible. Genesis, 2 Chronicles, Psalms, Luke, Romans, and 2 Thessalonians. Solid rounded reading - these from what I obtained my lesson for the day: to care for, exalt and build up others in the Lord, as God continually reveals His mercies in my life.
Genesis chapter 50: "Joseph said to them, [his brothers who had betrayed him many years before by selling him into slavery] 'Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good '" (v 19-20)
Joseph knew God's will was done in his life trusting that all that had happened was by God's almighty sovereignty and plan. And God was faithful in taking care of him, and using him to do His work, and save many people.
2 Chronicles chapter 7: "When I [God] shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (v 13-14)
Even though He is just, and full of wrathf, God will show forgiveness and mercy upon those who are lost, and will care for them amidst their trial if they turn to Him.
Along with this, follows Psalms 34: "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit...The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned." (v 17-18, 22)
Another promise of God's mercy and grace, pouring out on those who love and dedicate their lives to serving Him.
Luke 15 contains the story of the prodigal's son: the story of a son who squanders his father's money and runs back to him, "tail between his legs", only to be welcomed with feasting and the best of His father's things once again offered to him. The other son who was always with the father seems jealous of his father doting on his rebellious brother when the father reminds him that, "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours." (v 31)
I am shown in this verse how the God of the universe rejoices with each of His children that are returned once again to His arms, and the ones that remain faithful are always welcome to all that He has to offer.
Romans 15: "Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God." (v 7) This is a reminder from Paul to fellow brothers to always have open hearts to one another as Christ has shown us the example.
2 Thessalonians 3: "But as for you brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother." (v 13-15)
We should recognize when one is not walking in the way as we have been taught by Christ, and should not do as they do, but admonish them, lifting them up in the faith so they can see the ways in which they are acting.
All of these sections are parts of what combined made my daily reading (along with a few chapters of Passion and Purity of course). I was fully reaffirmed of the mercies and grace my Father has shown for those who followed His will, as well as today in my life. I was encouraged to go "out of my way" per-say to encourage my brothers and sisters in the faith. I aim to encourage at least three people each day, whether by word, deed or note. I want others to be as encouraged I am as I read the stories my Father has given for me to read, and if that takes me reaching the love my Father has bestowed upon me for them to find out about the gospel, glory to God! Another child to enter through the pearly gates!
I'm exhausted from my long day, but definitely not too tired to sit down and share with all of you the beauty of a Father who deeply cares for His children, enough to lay down His life, and then allow it to be written down for her to reflect upon this act of grace, over and over.
At midnight I am to hit the hay, with a peace of mind, and heavy eyes needing much rest.
Buenas noches a todos!
"Me, Lord? Single?"
7:00 pm 2/22/2012
I started reading Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Eliot a few days ago. A well recommended book, and one that extremely intrigued me. "Learning to bring your love life under Christ's control" the subtitle reads. Although I am not in a relationship at the moment, my love life is still existent. As for now I am learning more about the deepest kind of love, and how to be fully satisfied with it. However I still long for a human relationship: someone to call my own.
And this is something I want to change.
I want to be satisfied with God's love. So much that if I am called my my Father to a life of celibacy I will commit it to His hands. Doing so, confident that His love and presence makes my life so full and joyous that I would want nothing more in the world.
Jim and Elizabeth Eliot are incredible examples of this. The each lived by key verses in their life.

Elizabeth: Isaiah 54:5, "Your husband is your maker, whose name is the Lord of Hosts," and 1 Corinthians 7:34-35, "The unmarried or celibate woman cares for the Lord's business; her aim is to be dedicated to him in body as in spirit; but the married woman cares for worldly things; her aim is to please her husband. In saying this I have no wish to keep you on a tight rein. I am thinking simply of your own good, of what is seemly, and of your freedom to wait upon the Lord without distraction."
I desire to seek after God's own heart, and His plan for my life. I am going to set aside all desires for marriage. If the way of God is to bring a man into my life, I will then know it is in order to do His will. I want to wait patiently on the Lord as He guides me day by day in His path of righteousness. I do not doubt I will have struggles, and will plead with Him constantly as did Jesus as He fulfilled His payment on the cross to "let this cup pass from me".. but I dedicate my life to His works, to bringing His kingdom, to showing His glory and love to others in all that I am, body, mind, heart and soul.
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