Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shaylene's Ponderings.. I guess this is my first actual blog!

On the Mount time, September 8th, sitting on the stairwell between the Upper Room and the Coffee shop at Potter's Field Ranch, Montana. I want to write to see what the Holy Spirit has to say to me. Whatever goes across my mind, just to determine where my heart is at this time of day. Looking up at my battery percentage, 44%.. That's only a little under 50% battery power.. Will that last me an hour and a half at least, or until my hands get tired of typing? I guess if it doesn't, then I'll just type till my computer dies :) 

"You Alone Can Rescue" echoing through my head through my earbuds. "To you alone belongs the highest praise!!" Ahhmen Father! There's nothing like a good worship song that can pump oneself up.. I deleted most of my secular music from my Ipod when I arrived here. I can admit I haven't listened to anything, but there's that hesitancy to delete the stuff that doesn't shout praises to my Father in Heaven. Maybe there's a good tune that I enjoy listening to, or a song that I just love belting out.. I don't know all of the reasons for keeping them, but as I sit here and think about how I have no desire to listen to them here, why would I have any desire to listen to them when I leave? This place is different than any other, but truly, it's just a hotbox for my relationship with Christ, where I can grow without many distractions. So when I get back to my "normal" life, wouldn't I want to limit distractions all the more? Time to go through the Itunes list again, it looks like. 

Dying to self. Each day. I am so convicted all the time by the Holy Spirit! I was convicted to fast again, this time a bit longer, just to pray when I felt that pain or annoyance from hunger. To remind myself that I constantly rely on God. I cannot handle anything alone, and I get upset when I'm struggling because of trying to do that very thing. I need a good growling of the stomach to remind me of that. Today, I was thinking, that when I'm fasting, I think more of others. Sure, my prayers are something like, God fill me with you because I need You and You alone, but my actions are for others. Could it be because I'm trying to distract myself in any way I can? Could be. But if that's so, I like it. I like being able to serve without a thought of what I want done for me. Because really, at that time, all I want done is for my hunger cravings to be filled, and I know no one but God can fill that one! Fasting has so many benefits… 

Also, today, instead of going to breakfast I was able to spend an hour in devotions, just soaking up Genesis. This book, I tell you, is incredible. Such a good opener for a book. It's filled with action! All of these people, our ancestors, doing these crazy  things! Deceiving their own father to steal a brother's blessing, marrying cousins, prayers answered, and as I'm sure you know, the list surely goes on! Hook, line and sinker! I'll admit, I was so sucked in, I spent quite a bit of time reading more during class time. Sorry, Don :/ I still got a lot out of his teaching though! Learned quite a bit about Nehemiah. That guy just doesn't back down! And apparently, I am the same person as I was back in Washington, guys! So all you, worrying about how different I'll be.. No stress! I'm still as outgoing as ever! But spiritually, I have grown! Thank You God!! I can't wait to get back and share with everything what I've learned in my short time here at the ranch (It feels like I'm right at home, but yet, been here for such a short time!)! I'm praying to God that if I cannot explain in words, at least in actions, I may be able to demonstrate and pass on the miracles God is working in me! 

Ooh! Side-note.. (What am I saying? These are all side-notes! Welcome to the brain of Shaylene.. For real!) Check out online, or on Itunes (Podcasts) Pastor Levi Lusko from Freshlife Church in Kalispell Montana. This guy I tell you, has a gift straight from the Lord Himself. He captivates the audience, brings the Bible down to our level, while still hitting the nail on the head. Nothing is avoided with his messages.. Straightforward, much needed to hear Ouch! moment teachings that leave you wanting to do radical things for Christ! 

I don't know much, but I do know this… I want to truly count everything a loss compared to knowing Christ my Lord, as Paul writes in a few of his letters, so I'm going to get to it, and light my butt on fire for Him! Got to get to the Word, and prayer! Love you all! Hope to get more of these up.. They're enjoyable to write.. these blogs I mean! Later ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to say how cool I thought this was...until I saw how much Montana is rubbing off on you. It became evident in the last word. BUUUTTTT other than that, cool idea. God is good! You are great! I love you!
