Saturday, September 3, 2011


August 30, 2011

Ephesians 4:23

"..and be renewed in the spirit of the mind,"
When your body is exhausted, you take a nap, or relax until you can become energized and healthy again. In this way your physical body is "renewed".. Except it's not. Your body just goes through recuperation, and sooner or later, with more work and toil, it's worn down again. So repeats the process. In this way, the mind seems to go too. But the mind, however, doesn't have to work this way, God says. In these verses, He promises you will be renewed in the spirit of the mind if you put off your former conduct. I believe God was intending for one to not just be patched up, or refreshed for a period of time, but to be made wholly new: "Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." The more we have of Him, the more our minds will flourish, being renewed, and healthy, being constantly in fellowship with Him.

I need to be in constant fellowship with Christ. I need to make sure to spend time in the word every morning, no matter how busy my schedule. And I need to be in constant prayer during the day, taking "every thought captive to the obedience of Christ", and applying God's word in my heart and action throughout my day.

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