Thursday, September 29, 2011

IBS-His Banner Over Me is Love

Sept. 29, 2011

Psalm 23:5

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.
With this verse my mind is brought to Song of Solomon 2:4; "He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love". The classic hymn echoes in my head. Funny how just yesterday, while cleaning the administration building during servant time, Kelly was singing this very song. I had joined her, joyfully recollecting the pleasant tune. How marvelous God's banqueting table must be. I bet it's filled with only the most delicious foods, and surrounded by the most captivating people. And to think God prepares all of this amidst enemies. Among the ones who are most adamant about being against Him, the ones who tear me down, rip me apart, shove me on my face and cause me to stumble. When I am at my lowest, God is preparing me a place of peace, rest, contentment at His table with Him. In the middle of these trials He anoints us with His Holy Spirit. Not only does He have a safe haven at the end of these troubles, but in the middle of them He provides a comfort, a guide. My cup truly does run over. I am so undeserving of all of the blessings I have: the Holy Spirit, and a Father who knows what's best for me, and what awaits me when the day is done. I have done nothing to attain what I have been given, and so truly, my cup is not only full, but I live abundantly in Him. 

I want to live, as Pastor Steve quoted Warren Wiersbe Tuesday night at chapel, with heaven as a motivation, not simply a destination, for I know I am overly blessed, and still my Father prepares for me a seat at His table because "His banner over me is love."

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