Sunday, September 11, 2011

IBS-Say "Yes!"

Sept. 8, 2011

Ephesians 4:30

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
The only other time I have heard the term, "grieve", as it is used here, is regarding our parents. We constantly do things that grieve our parents. We don't do as they ask, we rebel against their commands, we spit in their faces the very rules they've laid out for us to do what we think is better for us. Because we think we know how to run our own lives, and we don't want any "restrictions". It's these times where we turn on our own, and disregard the very ones who love us most that we cause grief. Even more than our parents, the Holy Spirit loves us. He cares for us, and tries to lead us in the right direction with everything we do in our lives. The rules that we are given by God are in the Bible. When we don't ignore it, oppose, or disregard the things God has for us we grieve the Holy Spirit. This is hard to swallow, knowing that all the time I do these things. I constantly neglect God's word, or say "no" to where He's guiding me. In the Bible it says delayed obedience is disobedience. There's another thing I can knock on the head. FAIL. I constantly hesitate to follow the direction of the Lord, and to find out it grieves the very God who gave me life eternally, hits me hard. I think of the other day, on our town run. I felt the Hoy Spirit prompting me to speak to  the lady who was washing her hands next to me in the bathroom. "Okay God, give me the opportunity, and I'll make it happen" I bargained with Him. I was pulling the whole, "Show me and I'll do it" spiel, and sure enough, God answered, "Do it, and I'll show you". Unfortunately, me arguing with God made a lost opportunity as the woman left in a huff after struggling with the paper towel dispenser. I left the bathroom and met up with Joel and Daniel who I had been shopping with earlier, disappointed with myself and the hesitance that lost me a moment to share God with someone. I felt like a failure. "Watch," I told the boys, as they listened to my pathetic groaning, "she's probably like, right behind me". With that I glanced behind us, and gasped. The lady was walking with what looked to be her daughter, pushing their shopping cart. "Talk to her" Daniel prodded. But again, I left the divine appointment in shame and disappointment. I left the Holy Spirit grieved. 

I wish to follow, obediently to the Holy  Spirit's calling on my life. I want to diligently seek God no matter where I am, and listen to Him when He gives me an order. I want to be able to minister without hesitation, especially with the Holy Spirit's prodding. Next time I hear or sense God calling me to minister in that way I want to answer with an immediate "Yes!!"

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