Wednesday, September 7, 2011

IBS-What Comes Naturally..

Sept. 6, 2011

Ephesians 4:28

"Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need."
Work to oppose your wicked ways. Rather than doing mean things with your hands and mouth, work to do the exact opposite. Instead of stealing, work to do good for others, giving to them when they're in need, as this verse suggests. Instead of slandering your brother, speak good things of them, build them up. Instead of hurting a brother, aid them. This verse is a suggestion for us to work against our flesh. To fight what comes naturally. In this way you will be kicking the devil out of you, for he loves to use our flesh against our spirit. In no way will he be able to find a nook in your heart, and will have difficulty even entering in when he sees you're not following him, so full of the Holy Spirit, and obedient to God instead. 

I want to do the opposite of my natural flesh's reactions. I want to serve others instead of thinking I need to be served. I want to make a conscious effort to deny the flesh, and resist the devil, doing good for my brothers and sisters when they're in need. Of anything, no matter how small the act of service. I want my body to truly be a place for the Holy Spirit to thrive, and therefore, emanate through me.

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