August 5, 2011
Acts 8:35
"Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him."
There's a difference between preaching and teaching. There are times that are appropriate for both of these methods of sharing the gospel, but one must be wise when ministering, to determine which would be most effective.When someone is a strong Christian, pursuing God's own heart they might be able to handle a lecture type message. In most circumstances though, teaching needs to be used for the audience to not feel like they're being attacked with a forced doctrine. Many times the disciples did teach about Jesus, but I believe at this point Philip was doing as it says: preaching to the man. This shows to me, that even though Philip did not know the man very well, he was still able to choose the most effective way to minister to him. The only way he was able to discern this must have been because he was filled with the Holy Spirit. In this decision he was able to sit down with the man, and know that by preaching to him, he would be able to portray the message of Christ to him.
I need to pray for discernment in my decisions. I need to look for guidance when I am called to minister to people so my method of sharing the gospel will change hearts instead of falling on deaf ears.
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