Aug. 9, 2011
Acts 12:6
"And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison."
Sleeping before his trial? Obviously Peter wasn't phased. He was surrounded by restrictions and yet he had enough peace to rest soundly. He was comforted by the Holy Spirit, and was not worried about what was to come. I wish I could say that I had enough faith in the Lord to rest soundly in Him. When I'm faced with a trial, or something I know will test my faith I am never at ease. When I first heard about the Ignite program I remember thinking about being whisked off to a foreign country, with all of the discomforts, and my faith being stretched. That night I lay in bed, my mind going a million miles an hour, thinking of all of the things I would have to get done in order to make this trip possible, and all of the things that this step would entail. I had to force myself to go to sleep that night so I wouldn't be exhausted the next morning at school. And this lack of peace was two months before I would even be starting to face all of the things I was worried about. I hadn't even lifted it up to Christ, and let the Holy Spirit give me the peace God wished to give me on the matters. Oh to have the faith like Peter. To know that everything is in God's hands, and to have confidence in all of the things He has planned for me, even if the odds are bad, and the trial is right around the corner. To be trapped in a place where there's no escape, and yet not doubt the Holy Spirit and it's power to hold my hand throughout it all.
I wish to trust God with my future in all things. I want to be able to lift up my trials when I see them coming, instead of dwelling on my worries and fears until they make me physically sick, or exhausted. I need to build my trust, like Peter, in the Holy Spirit, and it's power within me to give me peace through it all.
Philippians 1:19 "For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ."
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