Monday, August 1, 2011

IBS-Faithful in the Little Things

August 1, 2011

Acts 8:29

"Then the Spirit said to Philip, 'Go near and overtake this chariot.'"
This simple task was asked of Philip directly by the Holy Spirit: to guide the Ethiopian in His reading of the scriptures. How easily Philip could have pushed this off as a minuscule thing that wouldn't make a difference, but yet, he so eagerly did as he was asked. Here at the ranch a favorite quote has been "Be faithful in the little things". Now this usually pertains to keeping your room tidy, or your bed neatly tucked every day, but this comes to mind when I think of Philip's obedience to God at this moment. He was faithful to follow the Spirit's calling to simply talk to a man about the scriptures. Something little, but yet necessary, as brought to attention by the Spirit Himself. When God speaks to people, telling them of tasks that he wishes upon them, they can react in many different ways. Perhaps they see the task as important because it's so large no one can deny it has to be done, but other times they may comply simply because God commanded it. I must say when I listen for God's voice, I am seeking big answers. I am seeking problem-solving words that I must follow in order for the pieces to complete the puzzle within my brain. But it's being faithful in the little things that God tells me to, that makes all the difference. To listen when he calls me to read my Bible daily, or take every thought captive in obedience to Him. Those things are what changes a heart, and allows the Holy Spirit to work within me. 

Without a doubt, I need to be faithful in the little things. I need to listen to God in every circumstance and situation to hear what changes can be done, no matter how small. In order to strengthen my relationship with Him, and others, I need to follow where He leads, listening to His guiding voice, no matter how curt the command. 

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