Saturday, October 15, 2011


Oct. 4, 2011

Mark 1:2
"As it is written in the Prophets: "Behold I send my messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You."

The thing I notice in this verse is that the "Y"s in "Your" and "You" are capitalized. This, meaning of course, that the one being spoken to is God. Since this is the beginning of Mark's gospel of Christ, one would believe this is written to all believers. It is, obviously, but we are not esteemed so high as to have the words "You" and Your" be capitalized when being addressed by God. Only Christ himself deserves that honor. So I see this as Mark referring to Jesus, with the messenger, then, being us. So we must go out and, being obedient to God's call, prepare the way on this earth for our Jesus, preaching His name to all the nations, and teaching His ways to all the saints.

I need to read truly dedicate myself to my daily devotions. Being at home I am filled with distractions beyond belief, whereas I neglect my daily reading and meditating on the word. I need to spend this fellowship with Jesus each day so my relationship with Him does not falter, and I am able to prepare His way as I am commanded.

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