Oct. 7, 2011
Mark 1:5
"Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins."
Everyone was so moved by the works of Jesus Christ that they went out to John, in the wilderness, repenting. They went to him. This shows to me that John didn't have to travel from city to city and preach the gospel, but that he could go into the wilderness and the believers in Christ would find out where he was just to become baptized and repent of their sins. They were willing to go the whole nine miles… Seeking out one who spoke of Christ, going to where he was so they could repent to him, and be cleansed. That is powerful. I want my message of Christ to speak so strongly that people will seek me out, led by the Holy Spirit to ask me more about my relationship with him, and how to have a closer and deeper relationship with Christ themselves.
I need to delve into the gospels of Christ. The words of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to study them more. For my devotionals I want to read a couple chapters of the gospel, use my New Testament study guide, issued to me by Potter's Field Ranch, and listen to a message by Pastor Joe Focht to get more insight into the life of Christ so I may be able to live by His teachings and more people will seek out cleansing and a life for Christ.
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