Friday, October 28, 2011

Update from Costa

For all of you who have been reading my blogs, I made a video of Karlee and I's first week in Costa, and it's on Youtube! To view the video, click here

Enjoy! There are more to come!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Okay, so I'm a little behind on my blogs.. But I've just got to share with everyone who is following me that I LOVE Costa Rica. It is absolutely beautiful here! Day one consisted of a trip to the beach (hanging out with Matt and Brooke with their amazing kids as well as Katie), cleaning the apartment, killing about 8 cockroaches (simply the beginning of the infestation), meeting a ton of awesome kids at youth group (playing ping-pong, learning spanish and joking around.. so good :)), and eating delicious pizza from a food vendor.. Oh my dear.. I don't ever want to leave. :)

IBS-Baptized with the Holy Spirit

Oct. 12, 2011

Mark 1:8

"I indeed baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.'"
One of the most argued topic in Christianity is the act of baptism. There is argument of whether one should be baptized as an infant, or when one accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior at an older age. These and other variations are constantly argued, and I have seen it time and time again, growing up in the Apostolic Lutheran Church. Being older, and able to read and comprehend God's word on my own, I determine, what does the Bible say about this? I clearly see that in this passage John is saying that he baptizes with water, but there is one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. My interpretation of this is that John is baptizing the people with what he can. He is showing a cleansing of their hearts through a cleansing of the body. He is stating that although this is a great thing, what Christ will do is much greater. He will bring the Holy Spirit to cleanse their body, mind, and soul. To be a guide and a comfort all their days of following Christ. That Christ has a much deeper baptism into Him than simply the dunking into a body of water as the representation in front of God and man that the person has chosen to follow Christ. Jesus will give them the Spirit to always be cleansing their hearts of things impure and filling them instead with things of God. That the baptizing of the body does not bring salvation, but baptizing of the heart, and entering of the Holy Spirit is ultimately what changes oneself.

I want to always look at my choice to be baptized as an adult as my promise to God that I will obey His gift to me: the Holy Spirit. To look upon Sept. 23, 2011 as a day of a seal between me and Christ that I will follow Him with everything I am, and always seek Him for discernment with full confidence in His Spirit and His word, and His truth on the choices that I am to make in my life, now and forevermore.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinth.  3:17

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place."
2 Corinth. 2:14

IBS-Not Worthy

Oct. 11, 2011

Mark 1:7

"And he preached, saying, 'There comes One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose."
We are not worthy to even loose God's sandal strap, John shares. We are not worthy to take off the dirtiest article and wash his feet. We're only servants of Christ because of what He has done for us. We're not good enough to do anything for our Lord. We could never do anything to make ourselves deserving of the gift He has given us: eternal life with Him. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  I must thank God for his mercy and grace that He has poured out on me, on all of us. So that I can serve Him as I so desire to do, without having to worry that I cannot because I am not worthy. I know I am not, but He sees me through His son, who was worthy, and bore all of my sins, so I could live with Him in His kingdom forever. Thank you, Jesus!!

I am going to remind myself today, whenever I think I need to do something do be deemed worthy of a life with God that I am not worthy as it is, and nothing I can do could earn me what He has so freely given. That there is nothing I have that I deserve and that I did not receive.

IBS-Roughing It

Oct. 10, 2011

Mark 1:6

"Now John was clothed with camel's hair and with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey."
John was roughing it. He was willing to be in the wilderness, and not have luxuries in order to speak through his life of the sacrifices he made to follow Christ. Clothed in camel's hair.. I would rather have cotton. Eating locusts? Are those those massive grasshoppers the size of small birds? I'll take a turkey sandwich. Wow, I am spoiled. I have never sacrificed anything like John did in order to speak the wonders of Christ. I want to trust that God will provide for my every need, even if it means having to live a few days (or months) eating strange things, and living in uncomfortable situations (or extreme heat!!). 

I am extremely excited to be going to Costa Rica Thursday night, but I also know it's going to be a crazy time. It will be a time of growth, and weakness, leaning on God, and relying on Him to provide the strength to get me through each struggle. I am going to pray for God to prepare my heart for when I go down there and to guide me through each time of confusion and chaos, to trust that His will, not mine, be done.

IBS-Living the Gospel

Oct. 7, 2011

Mark 1:5

"Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins."
Everyone was so moved by the works of Jesus Christ that they went out to John, in the wilderness, repenting. They went to him. This shows to me that John didn't have to travel from city to city and preach the gospel, but that he could go into the wilderness and the believers in Christ would find out where he was just to become baptized and repent of their sins. They were willing to go the whole nine miles… Seeking out one who spoke of Christ, going to where he was so they could repent to him, and be cleansed. That is powerful. I want my message of Christ to speak so strongly that people will seek me out, led by the Holy Spirit to ask me more about my relationship with him, and how to have a closer and deeper relationship with Christ themselves.

I need to delve into the gospels of Christ. The words of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to study them more. For my devotionals I want to read a couple chapters of the gospel, use my New Testament study guide, issued to me by Potter's Field Ranch, and listen to a message by Pastor Joe Focht to get more insight into the life of Christ so I may be able to live by His teachings and more people will seek out cleansing and a life for Christ. 


Oct. 6, 2011

Mark 1:4

"John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins."
I observe a few different things in this verse. First, the placement of this story. It immediately follows the further quoted command to prepare the way for the Lord. John was preparing the way for the Lord in the way He was called to do, baptizing people into the faith. He also went into the wilderness, I'm sure, fully aware of the discomfort that would occur in living there. He went far into the wilderness because God called him to, and he went willingly. Lastly, I notice, the preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. In order for our sins to be forgiven we must fully repent, and be aware of what we've done wrong, and want to change, so that we no longer are clothed in sin, but washed clean, and wearing the breastplate of righteousness.

I am going to pray and meditate on how I can prepare the way for Jesus to come again. I am going to pray that God sends me divine  appointments so I can share His word. I want to rely 100% on His Spirit to guide me in the words to say to others to point the focus all to Christ who we so desperately need. I want to not be afraid to go where He leads me, no matter where that is, so His will may be done in my life, regardless of my personal preference and comfort. I want to repent immediately of all sins I have committed, such as consciously neglecting His word and time with Him. I want to lead by example, and not merely by the words of my mouth but the actions of my body, spirit, and the heart, or mindset behind it all, that I am doing everything to simply bring glory to Christ, and nothing for my own gain. 

2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?"

IBS-Prepare the way of the Lord

Oct. 5, 2011

Mark 1:3

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight""

Isaiah 40:3 "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God'" is what this verse is referring to. Isaiah 40 was inspired by God to Isaiah the prophet to tell the people of Jerusalem that they could be comforted, and to instead of fretting, prepare the way for One who has all peace and comfort. This commandment is a prophesy of Jesus Christ, so when Mark restates this in Mark 1:2-3, he is then introducing the prophesy fulfilled. What gets me about God saying this is that we are the ones who need God to make our path's straight. We depend on Him for every need, and we require complete surrender of ourselves in order to be able to live wholly for Him. So God does have some things He would like for us to do, huh? Even though Jesus has already came and we are saved I believe we can be reminded of God's call to prepare a way for His second coming, when He will take us to be with Him in the clouds forever.

I need to remind myself that my life has not yet begun. That this world has nothing for me, and that I should be living for Jesus, and not myself. I need to remember that what Shaylene wants, feels, thinks she needs, or desires is not all that necessary in order to fulfill Christ's commission, so not to get distracted and stay focused on the One who truly has prepared a place for me on high.


Oct. 4, 2011

Mark 1:2
"As it is written in the Prophets: "Behold I send my messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You."

The thing I notice in this verse is that the "Y"s in "Your" and "You" are capitalized. This, meaning of course, that the one being spoken to is God. Since this is the beginning of Mark's gospel of Christ, one would believe this is written to all believers. It is, obviously, but we are not esteemed so high as to have the words "You" and Your" be capitalized when being addressed by God. Only Christ himself deserves that honor. So I see this as Mark referring to Jesus, with the messenger, then, being us. So we must go out and, being obedient to God's call, prepare the way on this earth for our Jesus, preaching His name to all the nations, and teaching His ways to all the saints.

I need to read truly dedicate myself to my daily devotions. Being at home I am filled with distractions beyond belief, whereas I neglect my daily reading and meditating on the word. I need to spend this fellowship with Jesus each day so my relationship with Him does not falter, and I am able to prepare His way as I am commanded.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

IBS-All About Christ

Oct. 3, 2011

Mark 1:1

"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God."
This is the beginning of the apostle Mark's testimony of Jesus Christ. The beginning of His observations of the Son of God. Mark doesn't dodge the bullets when getting to the point, he just outrightly states it. This is what he testifies, this is what he stands for. I admire his boldness and bluntness. Were I to write an account of my relationship with Jesus Christ I would probably start with my own testimony, interceding with Jesus and His power and mercy in my life. Would I initially start with introducing the most important person in my life? Without taking the though captive to the obedience of Christ, probably not. I want to though.

When I start to tell anyone of my testimony, especially being at home, sharing with many the stories of the wonders Christ has revealed to me through my three months of training at Potter's Field Ranch, I aim to begin by pointing the glory to Christ. All glory, honor, power is His, Amen.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

IBS-Show Me How

Sept. 30, 2011

Psalm 23:6

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever."
Confidence in God's gifts, in His plans and presence. David truly didn't doubt what God's word. David knew He would be living with God for eternity, and he would have fulfillment. 

God, how does this relate to my own life? Show me, Lord. I want to know you, to have an intimate relationship with you, for you to be my best friend, so that if someone asks me about you I can speak without stumbling, and share with them your wonderful ways.

I want to be more transparent in my blogs. I want people to read them, and be able to experience what I'm experiencing as if they're right here with me, through the trials, confusion, triumphs and convictions. Help me to make myself more open to be able to share my testimony so that I am not hindered from your truth. You were never a closed book. Jesus came and related to all, sharing stories, and lessons and truths about God through whatever He did. I love that everyone who writes their blogs are able to be so open, without fear of judgement, and fear of rejection. I want to be able to do that too, Lord. Show me how.